This installation guide assumes you have run the following installs beforehand.


The name of the base wagtail container and the name of the site container.


Create container for wagtail

Create a new ubuntu xenial container

lxc launch ubuntu:xenial $NAME
lxc exec $NAME -- apt update

Wagtail setup

Install pip3 in the container

lxc exec $NAME -- apt -y install python3-pip

Wagtail apt requirements

lxc exec $NAME -- apt -y install libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev \
    libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev python-tk

Install wagtail

lxc exec $NAME -- su - ubuntu -c "pip3 install wagtail"

Add aliases for dj and djrun

lxc exec $NAME -- su - ubuntu -c "echo \"alias dj=\\\"python3 /home/ubuntu/src/\\\"
alias djrun=\\\"dj runserver\\\"\" > .bash_aliases"

Take snapshot

lxc snapshot $NAME base

Or set the version at the snapshot name

lxc snapshot $NAME 1.7

To rebuild a snapshot

lxc delete $NAME/base
lxc snapshot $NAME base

Creating a new workspace

Create a new container from a snapshot

lxc copy $NAME/base $SITE_NAME

Make the container privileged so UID mappings are the same and so it can write read/write to the workspace

lxc config set $SITE_NAME security.privileged true

Clone source code into directory

git clone $GIT_URL sitesourcecode

If you are making a new project create a folder for it

mkdir sitesourcecode

Setup permissions so that container can write to folder

sudo chmod -R go+w $PWD/sitesourcecode

Add directory as home

lxc config device add $SITE_NAME src disk source=$PWD/sitesourcecode path=/home/ubuntu/src

If you are creating a new project get wagtail to build the site

lxc exec $SITE_NAME -- su - ubuntu -c "wagtail start mysite /home/ubuntu/src"


I usually put a bash script into the code repository which installs any extra packages and installs the PIP requirements.

You can also put your bash aliases in here instead of setting in the initial container or to add more.

You could make something similar to the following script in

sudo apt install rabbitmq-server
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
echo "alias dj=\"python3 $HOME/src/\"
alias djrun=\"dj runserver\"" > .bash_aliases

Run the provision script

lxc exec $SITE_NAME -- su - ubuntu -c "./src/"

Running wagtail

Get a shell for the container

lxc start $SITE_NAME
lxc exec $SITE_NAME -- su - ubuntu

Check that django and the aliases are working


Then run the general setup for your site, usually similar to the following

dj makemigrations
dj migrate
dj collectstatic
dj compress
dj createsuperuser

Then start your site


To find out the IP address of the container, using the following command on the host

lxc list

Once you have found the IP address then use the IP_ADDR:8000 in your web browser

Container Profile

You can setup a profile for your container, so that it acts in a similar way to your webhost specfications

The following code creates a profile similar to OVH's VPS SSD 1 which has 1 CPU, 2 GB RAM and 100 Mbit network

lxc profile create ovh-vps-ssd-1
lxc profile set ovh-vps-ssd-1 limits.cpu 1
lxc profile set ovh-vps-ssd-1 limits.memory 2048MB
lxc profile device add ovh-vps-ssd-1 eth0 nic name=eth0 nictype=bridged parent=lxdbr0
lxc profile device set ovh-vps-ssd-1 eth0 limits.ingress 100Mbit
lxc profile device set ovh-vps-ssd-1 eth0 limits.egress 100Mbit

Then apply this profile to your container

lxc profile add $SITE_NAME ovh-vps-ssd-1